Gutting a structure means returning it to its shell condition and allowing the building to be repurposed, or creating the basis for a single-variety demolition material.

The difference with the demolition of a building is that gutting usually preserves the external appearance. On the other hand, original design properties and functions are often lost in the process. Gutting is also carried out in connection with demolition work. We are your partner for partial and full gutting. We also have the technical and expert knowledge to dismantle areas contaminated with substances such as asbestos or PAHs.

In addition to manual gutting with small equipment, we also have a lot of experience with large equipment in the field of interior demolition. For this purpose, we also have specially equipped machines with particle filters and electrical equipment. Our many years of experience, industry-optimised equipment selection and technical affinity enable us to handle all construction measures quickly and efficiently.

Even for work during ongoing operations or with controlled access – e.g. hospitals, Industriepark Höchst or Frankfurt Airport – we can provide you with a safe dismantling plan.

Contact us, and together we will find an individual solution for your project.


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Bauunternehmen DE

KOCH BAU GRUPPE Kasernenstraße 35,                54516 Wittlich

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