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Learn more about KOCH Demolition
From consulting to execution, removal to environmentally sound disposal for industrial buildings, single-family homes, garages or bridges – we take care of it.
Exact planning and consulting
Safe implementation
We offer you a timely and professional execution of all demolition work.
We gut, clear out, tear down walls and balconies, drill, saw and cut to pave the way for you to renovate your property.
Our team also undertakes the remediation of pollutants such as friable and non-friable asbestos, MMVF (man-made vitreous fibres), etc. and separates the different waste batches according to type.
- Demolition
- Gutting
- Disassembly
- Core drilling
- Concrete sawing/milling
- Pollutant remediation
- Mould remediation
- Disposal
- Heating boilers and hot water tanks with supply lines.
- Centralised and decentralised air conditioning and ventilation systems.
- Water supply and disposal systems with supply lines.
- Chiller plants and heat pumps.
- Hot water and heat exchanger systems.
- Storage facilities (hot and cold water).
- Boiler and tank disassembly with supply lines.
- Disposal of residual oil or oil sludge.
- Heat plants and CHP.
- Air conditioning and ventilation systems.
- Industrial plants made of steel/metal.
- Making ceilings and wall openings. .
- Sawing work for the installation of doors, gates and window openings. .
- Sawing work for stairs, light bands as well as supply ducts.
- Standard bores from 16 mm to 650 mm diameter.
- Versions in wet or dry drilling method.
- Vibration and dust-free diamond core drilling.
- Horizontal, vertical or diagonal target holes.
- Any kind of ceiling and wall penetrations.
- Building pit excavation
- Site clearance
- Soil replacement
- Working space filling
- Exterior design
- Grading and road construction
- Land clearing
- Tree felling
- Soil excavation for trenches and channels
- Excavation of foundation
Whether dismantling heating, air conditioning, ventilation, electrical or production equipment, we know what we are doing. From dismantling with optimal use of special equipment to container provision, transport and recycling, we offer you the entire gamut of services from a single source.
We dismantle and dispose professionally:
Scrapping operations are carried out either by means of machines e.g. hydraulic shears (non-sparking), saws, flexing, burning or, if necessary, by manual dismantling. Dismantled machines and plant components are transported away by our own logistics, individual fragments are sorted, processed and sent for recycling.
The diamond saw is used to create precisely fitting openings in walls, floors and ceilings. Sawing operations are performed horizontally, vertically and overhead, and cuts with a desired angle of inclination can be performed without any problems. The rail technology used here ensures clean and precisely cut edges. The wall sawing process is also used for a dimensionally accurate and vibration-free demolition of concrete and reinforced concrete for commercial and residential applications.
Applications of wall cutting saws.
Concrete milling is a process for removing concrete layers using tools fitted with industrial diamonds. Different surface structures can be created depending on the choice and arrangement of the tools. Milling is also used in the roughening of concrete surfaces or for the production of an adhesive tension bridge when laying bonded screeds.
Concrete grinding is a process for smoothing surfaces with industrial diamond-tipped tools. It is possible to achieve different structures up to the absolute smoothing of the surface depending on the choice and arrangement of the tools.
As your reliable partner in the field of demolition and recycling, we carry out all demolition work on any type of building for you: from single-family houses to the demolition of larger industrial plants. We also gladly offer full-service demolition. In addition to professional demolition, this also includes material preparation, disposal and backfilling.
For the inner-city area with its special requirements, we use special equipment, e.g. to reduce the noise level, to avoid ground vibrations and to keep the dust level as low as possible. The basis for this is compliance with and implementation of noise control emissions.
During the deconstruction work, we pay particular attention to maximising the environmentally-friendly recycling of the resulting demolition materials. As a member of the German Demolition Association, we always follow its regulations.
The concrete and masonry demolition material can be processed by means of crushers. Demolition waste is sorted on the construction sites and transported by our own trucks to recycling or disposal facilities.
We are aware that the resources of our world are finite. For this reason, we return up to 95 percent of the materials we mine every day to the raw materials cycle. The meticulous sorting not only benefits the environment, but also makes itself felt economically.
Whether in the industrial sector or in the context of house renovation: core drilling is an optimal way to create openings in concrete or masonry and has long since established itself as an alternative to classic mortising work.
Experience our services for yourself and look forward to state of art methods, highest dimensional accuracy and a vibration-free procedure, which protects the building fabric and guarantees safe working. As an exclusive partner of the Hilti company, you can always expect professional competence and first-class results within the scope of our services.
We offer you:
During deconstruction work in and on buildings, it is almost impossible to avoid encountering hazardous substances. Due to its inevitability, the utmost attention must be paid to the proper and professional execution of remediation work, especially in view of the large number of hazardous substances and their sometimes carcinogenic and mutagenic effects. Our company is licensed by trade law and by the employers' liability insurance association. We carry out professional remediation of all types of hazardous substances in accordance with the Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances (TRGS 519, TRGS 521, TRGS 524 , TRGS 551, BGR 128 etc.).
Asbestos removal in accordance with TRGS 519 Our continuously trained personnel also carry out the following work:
Deconstruction of asbestos-cement panels or asbestos-cement mouldings – remediation work on all types of asbestos-containing components (friable asbestos panels, asbestos cords, asbestos-containing flange gaskets, sprayed asbestos)
Pollutant remediation according to BGR 128 we are your contact for
fire damage clearance – work in contaminated areas, such as contaminated sites from the chemical industry or landfill construction
PCB, PAH and PCP according to TRGS 524 and 551 as well as BGR 128: Their removal is no problem for us. By using the most modern equipment, we work safely, efficiently and guarantee you the best price-performance ratio. Our specialised personnel are trained regularly and are up to date with the latest technology.
MMVF removal in accordance with TRGS 521 The protection of employees and the environment from emissions does not conflict with economic efficiency.
Gutting a structure means returning it to its shell condition and allowing the building to be repurposed, or creating the basis for a single-variety demolition material.
The difference with the demolition of a building is that gutting usually preserves the external appearance. On the other hand, original design properties and functions are often lost in the process. Gutting is also carried out in connection with demolition work. We are your partner for partial and full gutting. We also have the technical and expert knowledge to dismantle areas contaminated with substances such as asbestos or PAHs.
In addition to manual gutting with small equipment, we also have a lot of experience with large equipment in the field of interior demolition. For this purpose, we also have specially equipped machines with particle filters and electrical equipment. Our many years of experience, industry-optimised equipment selection and technical affinity enable us to handle all construction measures quickly and efficiently.
Even for work during ongoing operations or with controlled access – e.g. hospitals, Industriepark Höchst or Frankfurt Airport – we can provide you with a safe dismantling plan.
Contact us, and together we will find an individual solution for your project.
With the most modern construction machinery and experienced employees, we carry out all kinds of earth moving in an organised, flexible and efficient manner. Excavation of building pits is just as much a part of the range of services as the removal and disposal of the resulting material and the delivery of the desired bulk materials and construction materials.
Among our range of services:
We take care of waste disposal, from planning to reuse or dispose of waste requiring supervision so that you can take care of more important things. We separate materials according to all types and categories and ensure their disposal in accordance with regulations. The construction site will be handed over broom clean after completion of the work. As the customer, you no longer need to worry about anything; planning, execution and completion of the job are taken care of for you. Leave it to us. The satisfaction of all our previous customers confirms our successful way of working.
Container service
We provide containers to the private and commercial sectors for the professional and environmentally friendly disposal of any of the sorts of waste listed in the European waste catalogue.
Moulds form when the humidity in rooms is too high, thereby endangering your health. If a mould infestation has occurred on your premises, this requires a sustainable mould remediation by a professional. This serves not only to protect your own health but to maintain your quality of living as well. We remove the mould and also look for the cause of the mould infestation while giving tips on preventing it from happening again.
We are experts in mould removal and diagnosing its root cause. In the case of a complete mould remediation, we also coordinate all the necessary renovation work, such as wallpapering and painting. If you have a fungal infestation in your apartment or house, call us at 06571 / 1555-380. We can provide you with a no-obligation consultation.